Email Blast

The Old Reliable

Expert in Field

The Things you need to know about Email Blast:

Email blasts are always a reality, Whether you love or hate them. Regardless if you’re launching a new start-up, announcing a comprehensive promotional offer or advertising your new book-an e-mail marketing blasts is most definitely where you would start.

Many marketers, upon hearing the term email blast, still imagine something similar to a spam email that is forced down to the customer, but through time email blasts evolve into a modern and proper technique in digital marketing.

So why is it so effective? In the digital age, people tend to check their “emails” rather than their “post boxes”, adding the fact that most consumers right now are on their phone, tablet, and computer. There is a big chance that they will see email blasts first compared to traditional flyers and sign advertisements. Just remember, email lasts are still an effective digital marketing technique as long as you follow its best practices.

Case Study


Emails Sent




Cars Sold

The Challenge

We all know how competitive the world of automotive sales can be. We were faced with a task of paramount importance, Lifted Life Custom trucks sales were dropping every year and we needed to put a stop to it.

Using highly effective email marketing techniques, we manage to increase the online search presence of the site from 10% to 2018 to 20% in 2019 while contributing to the growth of the business.

The Approach

Ideasoft and Lifted Life Custom Trucks worked hand in hand to create and design email blasts that went to 1500 customers. We thought that some of our email subscribers might not have trust on us still, so we built the emails with rapport in mind. This was especially crucial when you’re selling a product. We also added enticing call-to-action measures to make sure that customers check out our landing page.

The Result

It’s a huge success! With The help of ideasoft’ marketing strategies and innovative solutions Lifted life custom trucks had a revenue increase of about 354% in just over 12 months with search! It’s a huge win, especially if you think of their ROAS.

Further solidifying the brand authority in the online worlds was during Q1 of 2019., when the highest online revenue in a month was seen that contributed to a 7% increase in overall sales.

The end of Q1 2019 saw the highest ever month for online revenue with online sales now contributing a +7% increase to overall sales YOY.